“Ditch the Eiffel Tower Selfies!” Your Un-Touristy Guide to Crushing your stay During the Olympics in Paris

An Illustration of two tourists visiting paris and two parisians with the eiffel twer. The Text Parisi Olympics Survival Guide and Paris olympics 2024 logo is overlaid on the illustrations

All the Parisians I’ve spoken too are leaving town during the Paris Olympics, leaving behind the city of love for the army’s of sports fans, champagne quaffing VIPs and hard working olympic volunteers & athletes. The tourist traps, scams and disneyfication of Paris is in full flow, prices have been boosted and quality of life … Read more

The Art of Street Drinking in Paris: A Chef’s Guide to Parisian Outdoor “Apéro” Culture

A picture of Parisians enjoying drinks in the street and having a wonderful time

Ah, Paris in summer. The sun kisses the Seine, laughter spills from sidewalk cafés, and the aroma of freshly baked bread mingles with something a bit more…spirited. That’s right fellow foodies, it’s street apéro season! Forget stuffy bars and overpriced cocktails. Parisians know that the real magic happens outdoors, with a chilled bottle of wine, … Read more